» divorce settlement
Q: I am in the middle of trying to negotiate a divorce settlement. I have been told that we must follow the Michigan support formula, but my wife and I agree that, under the circumstances, it is not necessary for me to pay as much support as the formula provides. We both make a very good living, and I have expended substantial funds for the children's travel athletics and other extracurricular activities. Can we deviate from the child support formula?
June 19th, 2017
A: Unless either of you is receiving public assistance such as food stamps or Medicaid, it is permissible to deviate from the child support formula for a number of reasons. Th…
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Q: My wife and I are trying to settle our divorce and we are making good progress at resolving all of the issues out of court. As funny as it sounds, the only thing we are really arguing about is the dog. Our golden retriever has been a part of our family for several years and she means a lot to both of us. What will the court to do with this?
June 1st, 2017
A: You would be surprised at how common this dispute has become, especially in families with children. The short answer is that a pet is considered personal property subject t…
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Categories: Divorce