» personal property
Q: We recently went to mediation and settled most of the issues in our divorce. However, my wife is being stubborn about personal property. She says that we need to place a dollar value on everything and that the values must be equal when we divide our stuff. I think this is a big hassle, and would rather not waste my time on this. How does the court look at personal property division in a divorce?
October 3rd, 2017
A: As I am sure you can imagine, personal property is one of those issues that many Family Court judges would rather not get involved in. If it all possible, it is far prefera…
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Q: I am in the middle of a divorce. A couple of days ago, my attorney sent me an email with an extremely long document attached, entitled interrogatories and request for production of documents. Do I really have to answer all of these questions? They seem very invasive, and my spouse already has all of this information. What is going on?
July 12th, 2017
A: Interrogatories and requests for production of documents are part of what is known in the legal world as discovery. They are commonly utilized in all types of litigation, n…
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Q: My wife and I are trying to settle our divorce and we are making good progress at resolving all of the issues out of court. As funny as it sounds, the only thing we are really arguing about is the dog. Our golden retriever has been a part of our family for several years and she means a lot to both of us. What will the court to do with this?
June 1st, 2017
A: You would be surprised at how common this dispute has become, especially in families with children. The short answer is that a pet is considered personal property subject t…
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Categories: Divorce